Sushi, My First Betta Fish


Sushi's last hour on Earth

Sushi was the first pet I ever truly cared for on my own. He was happy to see me whenever I came in from class. I originally set up a website so that i could check on him during class. Eventually, i made it public and It received a little over 300 hits since I made it (Who knew so many people would watch someone else's betta Fish swim around). On 5/20/2009, He had some white/silvery stuff on the bottom of his chin. I rushed to walmart to get him something to treat it. After administering it, he didn't seem to improve. I put him in a shallow container so he could breathe easily. I then discovered that the medicine I used was an irritant and was harming his air sacs. I changed his water again and he passed away. He's now in a better place. I don't know if I'm getting a new fish or not but I'll always remember Sushi, the Betta Fish.